Saturday, March 11, 2017

World Wide Web ♥

One of the most common ICT we encounter in our daily lives is the World Wide Web
 (www, W3 or simply Web)

Difference between WWW & Internet?

The internet is an infrastructure that connects users together.
   The web, on the other had is a huge collection of information, data and resources that facilitates communication between users and computers

The web uses the internet as a medium to transfer/exchange data with remote users. The web also uses a client server model to manage the traffic

Types of Web

Web 1.0
- These are static webpages. 
- Users cannot interact with the page
- Read only format

Web 2.0
- Requires contribution and interaction between users
- Contribute by sharing, commenting and bookmarking content

Web 3.0
- Smarter version of web using semantics to optimize and personalize content display to suit the needs and taste of the user

Technological Convergence
- Evolution of 2 or more different technologies towards one performing the same task but in a more efficient way

Social Media
- Online platform where people and organizations post statuses, upload pictures and videos and interact with each other

Mobile Media
- A versatile, personal, intelligent - enabled platform that allows its useres to connect with peers and exchange information 

Assistive Media
-Any technology that would help you do something you can't do before 
(prosthetic limbs, wheelchair, hearing aid, screen reader, etc.)

Jomaine's website

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